Home Research and policyResearch Affiliates Programme

The Research Affiliates Programme aims to foster a community of cross-disciplinary researchers, create opportunities for collaboration, and make humanitarian research visible across Deakin University.

The programme offers affiliates pathways for sharing their research with the Centre’s audience, which includes academics and practitioners working in the humanitarian system, and access to research funds, where available.

The Centre expects affiliates to contribute to the Centre’s ambition and purpose through research, teaching, or external engagement.

Selection Criteria

Affiliates are selected based on:

  • Affiliation with Deakin University as staff members or researchers
  • Their reflection of the Centre’s values of collaboration, courage, integrity, and humility
  • Active involvement in research that aligns with the Centre’s ambition, purpose, and position. The Centre’s ambition is for a diverse humanitarianism that embraces the agency of affected people and promotes distributed power, social justice, and equity. Its purpose is to lead and influence change within the humanitarian system through critical analysis, transformational and disruptive education and research, and meaningful contributions to policy and practice.

Applications and further information

Applications for the Affiliates Programme are open and will be reviewed on a rolling basis.

For more information email the Centre’s Deputy Director Joshua Hallwright at research@cfhl.org.au.


Click here to view the Centre’s current affiliates.