Home Conflict-related health research in Syria, 2011–2019

This paper seeks to characterise the conflict-related population and humanitarian health and health systems research focused inside Syria and published over the course of the Syrian conflict.

The authors conclude that despite a growing volume of research publications examining such issues inside conflict-ravaged Syria, there are considerable geographic and thematic gaps. Recognising the myriad of complexities of researching active conflict settings, it is essential that research in and on Syria continues, in order to build the evidence base and help inform policy and programmatic actions that are required to protect and promote health in Syria following a decade of conflict.

The article Conflict-related health research in Syria, 2011–2019: a scoping review for The Lancet – AUB Commission on Syria was first published in Conflict and Health on December 14, 2021. Download the article here [opens in a new window].

First author Marian Abouzeid is a CHL Research Affiliate.

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