Beyond the ‘Egosystem’: A case for locally led Humanitarian Resistance
Rethinking the architecture of international aid
Rethinking the architecture of international aid
Exploring the challenges and opportunities of adopting culturally competent humanitarian aid.
A systematic review and meta-ethnography of government policy responses and characteristics in eastern Africa.
Une approche centrée sur l'humain
Exploring a humancentric approach to technical problem-solving in the ICRC
Examining the feasibility, acceptability and efficacy of MEmory Training for Recovery-Adolescent (METRA) in improving psychological symptoms among Afghan adolescent boys following a terrorist attack.
Analysing the critical emergence of ‘localisation’ during the 2016 World Humanitarian Summit.
A concept for independent nations to meet their own development needs and generate their own systems of financial and technical support.
Une leçon du Népal
Exploring local government leadership in emergency management